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Sample Lesson Snippets

Lesson 1 - Part 2: The Importance of Learning to do Image Analysis Manually?

See Other Professional Development Courses at BrainScanology University
  • BUS 110: How to Read a Biomedical Journal Article (And Not Faint)

  • BUS 120: Understanding Scientific Bias So You’re Not Confused by Conflicting Claims

  • BUS 130: How to Develop Your Knowledge and Thinking as a Scientist for Any Career Path

  • BUS 140: Understanding Factors That Undermine The Weight of Biomedical Research Findings

  • BUS 150: Designing Experiments with Proper Controls

  • BUS 160: Office Hours

Student Testimonials on the Image Analysis Workshop
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1-on-1 Image Analysis Workshops

ShapeGenie can measure sub-dimensions of spatial information that area, volume, and variations of these two, cannot even fathom. For example, left- vs. right-handedness (otherwise known as chirality) is fundamental to nature from the molecular to organismal scales (and to correctly putting your shoes on), but measures of area and volume cannot tell the difference between left vs. right. So simple, yet so elusive (until now).


This workshop is great for high school students wanting to do science fair projects, college/graduate students who want to add an essential tool to their resume, and machine learning and computer vision researchers who want to break through the accuracy plateau created by measuring only variations of area and volume in images.

Package Features

-Learn to use three softwares: Fiji/ImageJ, ITK-SNAP, and Shape Genie.

-Learn the fundamentals of image analysis (example: best practices for shape extraction, handling MRI/CT data, preparing data for ShapeGenie, analyzing data from ShapeGenie).

-Access to a library of notes and video tutorials.

-Get a 12-month (only for students and academic labs) subscription to Shape Genie Premium.

-Get a Shape Genie Certification by passing a multiple-choice exam.


Sample Lesson Snippets

Lesson 1 - Part 2a: The Importance of Learning to do Image Analysis Manually [4 min]

Lesson 1 - Part 3b: Learning to Ask Yourself "Does My Data Make Sense?" [6 min]

Lesson 2 - Part 3: Understanding The Quirks of Images That Can Result in Odd Data When Extracting Shapes from Real-World Images [2 min]

Lesson 3 - Part 3: Speeding Up Your Ability to Quickly Rotate 3D Objects in Standardized Ways [2 min]

Lesson 4 - Part 4b: Why All the Fuss About Randomness in Computational Research? [3 min]

About The Instructor

Message From The Instructor on How to Do This Workshop

David H. Nguyen, PhD. Dr. Nguyen is a computational biologist who invented the LCPC Transform, an algorithm that measures shape in ways not possible with area, volume, and signal intensity. He obtained his B.A. (Molecular & Cellular Biology) and Ph.D. (Endocrinology) from University of California, Berkeley. Following this, he was an Affiliate Scientist in the Division of Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and then a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Radiology at Stanford University. 

Workshop Packages
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See Other Professional Development Courses at BrainScanology University
  • BUS 110: How to Read a Biomedical Journal Article (And Not Faint)

  • BUS 120: Understanding Scientific Bias So You’re Not Confused by Conflicting Claims

  • BUS 130: How to Develop Your Knowledge and Thinking as a Scientist for Any Career Path

  • BUS 140: Understanding Factors That Undermine The Weight of Biomedical Research Findings

  • BUS 150: Designing Experiments with Proper Controls

  • BUS 160: Office Hours

Student Testimonials on the Image Analysis Workshop

BrainScanology’s training is highly informative, valuable, and easy to understand. After learning how image analysis works, it became clear to me how it can be a valuable tool in many areas of scientific research. Through lessons about the fundamentals of image analysis, I developed important skills in experimental design, and guidance from Dr. Nguyen about ShapeGenie’s output taught me how to effectively analyze datasets. I have found the skills I developed through BrainScanology’s training incredibly valuable for both projects involving ShapeGenie and my other academic pursuits.


High School - 12th Grade

As an intern at BrainScanology Inc., I’ve constantly been amazed by the ability of ShapeGenie to quantify a simple shape into a series of data points and distinguishing patterns. Prior to using this software, I thought the only way to measure a figure was to study its perimeter, area, or volume. I’ve had the opportunity to apply this image analysis tool in my work, from analyzing intricate brain tissues to detect signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease to examining the hands of patients with different stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis, to mention a few. I have no doubt that ShapeGenie will pave the way to a multitude of discoveries and breakthroughs in the field of science and engineering in the near future.


2nd Year College Student

As an intern at BrainScanology, I learned how to use the ShapeGenie platform to analyze images. I’m using ShapeGenie on a project that analyzes the Clock Draw Test to diagnose early-stage dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders. I was able to see how easy to use and effective this platform is. I hope to use ShapeGenie on future research projects that I pursue as well, and think it would be a great tool for anyone looking to start a project.


High School - 11th Grade

The 1-on-1 workshops were a great learning experience that really opened my eyes to how data analysis works in a medical setting. ShapeGenie is a unique method to analyze medical images, so learning about it was a really enriching experience. And as an aspiring physician/researcher, it has also been really helpful in finding my interests in medical research, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has any interest in pursuing a medical career in the future.


2nd Year College Student

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